Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Dgn2Sdo Application

The “Dgn2Sdo Application” is only available with the “Bentley Map” and “Bentley Map Enterprise” editions of this product.

This command line application provides Oracle database administrators the ability to load MicroStation design file geometries and attributes into an Oracle Spatial database. The post only workflow has been streamlined to allow migrating from DGN V7/V8 with database links to an integrated Oracle Spatial solution that meets Oracle Spatial metadata and standards.

Data flow supported by Dgn2Sdo

Spatial data is added to a database model. The system supports both the SDO_GEOMETRY model and the SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY model as output. Because this tool creates SQL Loader script, an administrator has full control over the text files created. Any information can be modified, appended, or deleted prior to loading the data into the database.

SQL Loader scripts can be created from the following types of files:

  • DGN (with or without database connection)

  • XFM

  • GeoGraphics Legacy Project, if imported into an XFM schema.

Usage: DGN2SDO parameter=value (repeat, separating each parameter=value pair with a space).

Note: Parameter values containing spaces must be surrounded by quotation characters, e.g., IN_LEVEL="Level 2".